
Botte e insults in company, il pm chiede 9 years carcere. Ma il Tribunale gli affida i Due Figli: “La mamma è disinterestesata”

Botte e insults in company, il pm chiede 9 years carcere. Ma il Tribunale gli affida i Due Figli: “La mamma è disinterestesata”

UN you are 36 years old The homeland of Argentina is an accusation of malicious acts not confronting the company, a 40-year-old Colombian woman, the mother of her children, who accuses of insult, aggregated physical and cruel treatment: blame that he answered, ma, that I was a friend, yes part charges, richest condana 9 years in prison. But all magistrates are not sono sulla Stessa Lungezza D’Onda: in this situation, the surreal civil tribunal had testimony and due ownership of the father, sostetendo that the mother da tempo, if she is not interested in the fate.

Ciro Grillo, a testimony that can do everything: it is l’ex della vittima. “Accusò anche lui di stupro”